

My lastest book, A Curse of Magick, and the first in the series Ancient Women of Celtic Magick is now available on Amazon!


I’m Celebrating!

I found out today that my rhyming story “The Art of the Steel” was awarded 4th Honorable Mention in the New York City Midnight Rhyming Story Competition in the fairy tale/fantasy group! You can read it by clicking here.

Photo by Harun Tan on Pexels.com

When I was 45, I heard author, Sylvia Olsen, speak.  Amongst other things, she talked about starting writing at the age of 50.  I had always wanted to be a writer but work, school, and single parenting got in the way.  I thought I was too old to start writing.  She inspired me!  I began to play around with poetry and had a couple of poems published in the Island Writer Magazine and in Out of the Warmland, a collected works of writers from the Cowichan Valley, sadly now out of print.  I also started my first attempt at a novel.  It was horrifically bad and I put it away, never to see the light of day again.

The summer I was 48, I decided that I would register for the Three Day Novel Contest. Over the Labour Day long weekend, I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote.  My head was pounding.  There was much swearing, more tears and angry growls of frustration, but at the end, I had my first finished novel – Greenwich List. It didn’t win anything but I thought it wasn’t bad as a first attempt at a finished work.  I started to send it off to publishers.  I was so naive!  I sent it to several publishers at the same time, not know that publishers in general HATE simultaneous submissions.  I also sent it off assuming someone would pick it up on the first go round.  Amazingly, someone did!  Asteroid Publishing liked my novel well enough and, as luck would have it, it was released as an ebook on my 50th birthday.

For Christmas of 2014, I independently published Mancia Di Sanu: An Expat’s Take on Sicilian Cooking and October 1, 2016, Island2island Press released the new editionMancia di Sanu: A Canadian Expat’s Take on Sicilian Life and Cuisine.  Since then, I released my second novel, The Bastard of Saint Genevra.  I am editing my third novel and I have four more books floating around in my head.  No writer’s block for me!  I’ve also had a number of articles published both online and in print.  

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